81 Cute Couple Tattoos That Will Warm Your Heart
If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, you need to think very carefully on the design or wording you want. Of course, you may have an idea of what you would like but sometimes you need inspiration. Many couples often have their partners name written on their arms and then you have the impressive couples that choose long and hard about their tattoo. There are so many general tattoo designs to choose from, in additional, you might choose to have your own personal design or wording.
You have also get to think about whether you want a colour or black/grey tattoo, shading, no shading. Many people think that choosing their tattoo is easy, maybe if you are adamant on what you want but if you are unsure, it can be hard. Tattoos can remind us of our beautiful memories we have had and sometimes remind us of the pain we went through. Whatever your couple tattoo might say or show, it is forever. We here at Stay Glam have put together 81 of the cutest couple tattoos that will melt your heart. Take a look and we can guarantee you will love them all! Enjoy guys!
1.’I Love Him’ + ‘I Love Her’ Tattoos
Having a meaningful tattoo is the better than a standard meaningless tattoo. These cute matching tattoos are adorable. Make sure you and your partner are true soulmates before inking your skin. You can feel the love in the air when you look at these. ‘I love him’ and ‘I love her’ are all that’s needed. Choose a lovely handwriting font. You and your partner will look back in many years to come and will still be proud of what you did choose and the whole design. This is a classic and timeless quote that will never die.

Source: @black.metal
2. Matching Heart (<3) Tattoos
Do you want a matching tattoo but with a twist? Have a look at these matching heart tattoos. Not your standard conventional heart tattoos. It is always good to think outside the box. Knowing that you want a heart is a good start but if you don’t want the outline or a filled in standard heart shape, think about this. When you see one-half of these connecting tattoos, it doesn’t look like a heart at all, until they are together. You can have this matching ink in any colour, any size but we would say, choose to have it in the same area as the photo because when you do get together, you can be complete. Other parts of your body may be a little tricky to link up.
3. Watercolor King and Queen Tattoos
You’re his queen and he’s your king. What better way to show this than to have matching king and queen tattoos. Add a modern and colourful twist to your crowns by adding watercolours. These tattoos are bright and vibrant; they will really stand out from the crowd. Choose a few colours to enlighten and embrace the watercolours.

Source: @adrianbascur
4. Cute Matching Initials Tattoos
Do you want his and hers initials? Sometimes, less is best. By just having his and your initials, tells your story. No need to add a fancy design or any words, keep it simple. This is different to having his or hers first name written on your arm.

Source: @nom_life
5. Connecting ‘LOVE’ Tattoo
LO – VE. When together, spells LOVE. Love is a strong word and so are the feelings you have for one another. Having matching tattoos like the photo above, will show how much you mean to each other and have that special connection. Choosing to have this specific design on your hand is the ideal place to have it. Now you have to decide who’s to have the LO and who will have the VE!

Source: @rickyknuxx73
6. Heartbeat Wrist Tattoos
Many people opt for a small wrist tattoo. This tattoo is cute but also reminds us how short and precious life is. These heartbeat wrist tattoos are also known as EKG or ECG (electrocardiogram) lines. It can have different meaning but in this case, it represents someone special in your life and that person will have the matching tattoo on his or her wrist.

Source: @littlechapel
7. Connecting Wrist Tattoos – To Infinity and Beyond
Do you remember the movie Toy Story? Every time I see this cute tattoo, it reminds me of that movie, when Buzz Lightyear says it. Of course, this can have a different meaning to the movie but if Toy Story means a lot to you, your meaning might be so. To infinity and beyond is everlasting love. Having matching tattoos when having words or sayings is easier than having other designs or patterns. You can split the sentence up and both of you can have a part of it.

Source: @mquinn08
8. Matching Roman Numerals Tattoos
Do you have a memorable date? Do you remember the first date you met? Maybe you want your anniversary wedding date tattooed. Getting matching memorable dates is unique and special to you both. Getting Roman numerals tattoos look completely different to the standard numbers. As you can see on the photo, these guys have added ‘I love you’ underneath their date. We think this is so cute!

Source: @jvzminruiz
9. Small Hearts on Fingers
Wearing jewellery for many people is irritating and many tend to not wear their wedding ring, especially men. If you want an alternative to a wedding ring, then why not have a heart tattooed on your ring finger? You could have matching hearts and this can act as your wedding ring and commitment. The lady in this photo is still wearing her engagement ring but the heart represents hers wedding ring. You could even have all three – engagement ring, wedding ring and a tattoo!

Source: tumblr.com
10. “It’s our song.”
Your first wedding dance needs to always be remembered. If you have a special song that you want to keep close to your hearts, think about having the music notes tattoos on your wrist or wherever you choose to have it. The wrist is a good place to choose because it’s small and looks great. Here you can see that the bride has opted for her wrist and the groom has chosen the wrist but the opposite side. They look so cute together.

Source: ybowyerphotography.com
11. Coordinates of a Special Place for Them
This may take some working out! If you know of a special place that means a lot to you both, try and find out the coordinates so you can have a matching cute tattoo. It’s not that hard to figure out, you can even do this online rather than being at the place of interest, so don’t think you need to plan your holiday there for you to retrieve the digits. This is definitely a conversation starter.

Source: @ninjewtattoo
12. Simple Quotes Tattoos – Her One & His Only
This is too cute. “Her one” and “His only” is a message to the world. In other words, you are taken, hands off my girl and you can say, hands off my man! This looks so good when you are stood showing both tats together.

Source: @sweetdarln
13. One Life, One Love King and Queen Tattoos
He treats you like a Queen and you treat him like your King. Get matching his and hers king and queen crowns with ‘One Life’ and ‘One Love’ written underneath. If you did want to add a little colour, maybe think about just having a few jewels on your crown coloured in, but we think this looks perfect in grey shading like the photo.

Source: @kustomekulture
14. Disney Beauty and the Beast Tattoos
Remember Belle? Everyone knows the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. This is a cute story about Belle who falls in love with the Beast. These tattoos will look so good and striking. Are you a fan?

Source: @revwarrentattoos
15. Unique Watercolor Vegetable Tattoos
These unique watercolour tattoos stand out and look amazing. The watercolour effect makes the tattoo look so different and the colours are so beautiful. Choose your favourite vegetables and make your own design. Maybe you and your partner are vegetarians and love your vegetables, it may seem silly but many people are proud of this and so you should be.

Source: @sashaunisex
16. Cute Wrist Tattoos
These matching tattoos are simple, cute and so effective! If you want to add a splash of colour, add a few small red or pink hearts, like the photo. You can have it sideways or straight across your wrist. The perfect tattoo for couples.

Source: @amandacoxtattoo
17. In Love with you forever… forever in love with you
In love with you forever, forever in love with you, looks incredible when together. If you do choose to have this quote and you do choose the shoulder area, make sure you opt for opposite shoulders. Think about it, it wouldn’t work if you choose to have the same shoulder!

Source: @killakay1
18. Couples Travel Tattoos
Are you a couple that love to travel? Adventures are the thing that you are both passionate about and love to do? Simply having “adventure” says it all. Life is an adventure so it can have many different meanings to suit you.

Source: @therealdahls
19. Matching Swallow Arm Tattoos
Birds make lovely tattoos for both men and women. This is a great choice for you both. They represent many things but majority of people tend to choose bird for love and family. It can also mean freedom and always coming back home.

Source: @mini_tattooer
20. Heart Fingerprints
This is a cute and unusual tattoo, that you rarely come across. A heart shape tattoo, shaded into a fingerprint. This is very decorative and looks stunning. It has an arty and magic eye appearance.

Source: @iristattooart
21. Couple Gamer Tattoos – Super Mario Mushrooms
We all love the Mario games and when people see these mushrooms, they will know! Red and green mushrooms from the game Super Mario Bros., look so good. They stand out and even though they are different colours, you know they match.

Source: @jbuck707
22. Small King & Queen Finger Tattoos
Ring finger tattoos are becoming increasing popular across men and women. You don’t have to be married to get matching tattoos. Some people take the tattoo as their commitment and never marry. It suits them fine. You could get matching K and Q tattoos that represent King and Queen. It is timeless, special and every time you look at your hand, you will think of each other.

Source: @aislas86
23. Love Quote Tattoos
Love quotes show your love and affection for each other. These words you should always remember… To you, my heart I surrender. We love this quote and especially with the arrow pointing towards your partner. They are simple but meaningful.

Source: @davidcrossthread
24. Tiny Mr & Mrs Finger Tattoos
If you are not keen on showing off your ring finger tattoo, opt to have a side ring finger tattoo. These tattoos are not consistency on show. You may have a job that doesn’t allow employees to have tattoos. This is discreet until you start to point! Mr and Mrs fit perfectly well on the side of your ring finger and if you are engaged or married, you can still wear your rings.

Source: @jamesgtattoo
25. Cute Mickey & Minnie Tattoos
Go for the retro Minnie and Mickey matching tattoos. Nowadays, many people forget about the classic cartoons like these characters. They are memorable and so cute. They make good tattoos because they are in love and very colourful. Have them facing one other like the photo above.

Source: @hemiigurl
26. Watercolor Anchor Tattoos
Many people are going with the trends and choosing to have watercolour tattoos. We don’t blame them. Look how good these matching anchor watercolour tattoos look! They add a splash of colour and are very distinctive.
27. Electron and Proton Tattoos
The electron and proton are the same but opposite. They are the same in regards to having the same number of electrons and protons required to revoke one another. If you don’t fancy having a big, colourful tattoos that take so long and are expensive, you could choose these matching tats!

Source: @miniminxiii
28. Barley for him, and Lavender for Her
I’m not sure about you but if I’m going to get a matching couple tattoo with my partner, I’m going to make sure it’s amazing and stunning. Take this barley for him and lavender for her tattoos. These are so sweet and delicate. I don’t want just his name written on my knuckles or arm, I’m going for a lovely feminine design.

Source: tumblr.com
29. Small Anchor Finger Tattoos
Anchor can symbolise stability and strength. Both of you make one another stronger and make the perfect team. Tattoos do not need to be bold and colourful to have meaning behind them. This is a light outlined anchor that sits on the ring finger and looks cute.

Source: @iristattooart
30. You are my Sunshine, my Only Sunshine
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Being together makes you happy and you feel loved and special. The sunshine is always shining and you both are madly in love. These cute matching tattoos look incredible and are directed at one person only.

Source: @cora_richey
31. Nerdy Gamer Tattoos – The Legend of Zelda Hearts
Many couples do play games together… by games I mean computer games! The classic game The Legend of Zelda is recognised all around the world and means so much to many people. These matching cute hearts are from the game and if you are a gamer, if you saw these, you would instantly know!

Source: @fuzzytattoo
32. Heartbeat Always and Forever Tattoos
The heartbeat line is popular amongst couples. This is slightly different but still has the same heartbeat theme. They are heartbeat lines but “Always” and “Forever” are written into the heartbeat line. Other people may not notice, but you know it’s there.

Source: @freedomoverfame
33. Tiny Lock and Key Tattoos
Cute! Tiny lock and key are more meaningful than many loud tattoos. These tattoos can have many meanings, but for couples that choose to have these designs, usually means the key holder holds the key to their partner’s heart. One person can choose to have the key whilst the other will have the lock. Sometimes best friends opt for these designs too, which can mean secrets.

Source: @vherkalo
34. King and Queen Hand Tattoos
King and Queen tattoos are perfect. You are his Queen and he is your King. If you want to show your commitment to your loved one by either having a identical or tats like this that complement one another, make sure you and your partner fully agree on the style, colour and size. These incredible tattoos prove the love you both share is not only inside, but you want to show it on the outside too.

Source: @simondiamant
35. Peanut Butter and Jelly Tattoos
You two go together like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? One of you could have the peanut butter side and the other can have the jelly. Yummy, right? You must add colour to differentiate the two.

Source: @shortie_780
36. Bow and Arrow Tattoos
Bow and arrows look great as tattoos. No colour needed and one person has the bow and the other has the arrow. Together you are a bow and arrow!

Source: @bravesoulstudiosaj
37. Red King & Queen Finger Tattoos
Red is for love. King and Queen of hearts in red font looks striking and lovely. Have yours on the side like the photo above to be different.

Source: @jbuck707
38. Watercolor Bird Tattoos
Watercolour and birds work so well together. The watercolours really bring the bird to live. These birds look so cute crowns on and they are facing one another.

Source: @sashaunisex
39. Geometric Penguins
Penguins make fun and lovely tattoos. These matching geometric look fab and unique. Again, no colour needed. When you think of a penguin you think of colour, but look how incredible this looks without.

Source: @fintattoos
40. Super Mario Arm Tattoos
If you want something bold and colourful, then this is for you. Super Mario fans will instantly recognise these tattoos. It’s Princess and Mario of course! When these tattoos are together, the colours look amazing and full of life.

Source: @cherie_27
41. Anchor Arm Tattoos
You both make one another a stronger person. These anchors are so cute, especially when the girl version has added a pink bow to the anchor.

Source: @santatatuagem
42. Small but Eye-Catching Finger Tattoos
Couple eye catching and bold tattoos are so cute. They show how much you mean to each other. Linking tattoos for couples do not need to be on the ring finger, go for the index (pointing) finger.

Source: @love_of_ink_gallery
43. Cute Bunny Tattoos
We all love bunnies. Bunny tattoos are cute and fun. When you add another bunny, it symbolises a couple, which will represent you and your partner. Add a touch of colour to the bunnies’ ears and cheeks.

Source: @trishgrantham
44. Lion and Lioness Finger Tattoos
Lion and lioness are great tattoos for couples. It shows who the lion and who the lioness is. These tattoos work so well on fingers. The shading is unbelievable.

Source: @straight_clowning_tattoo
45. Cool Arrow Tattoos
Arrows show us the way. Matching arrow tattoos are a guide and show us the way to each other. These look incredible on the arm and you can make the design your own by adding in as many different patterns and symbols as you wish.

Source: @veganmotogirl
46. Always & Forever
All you need are these two words… Always and forever. Say no more. No need for any designs, colour or patterns, it’s tells the message on its own. We are loving the font in the photo.

Source: @fintattoos
47. Watercolor Swallow Tattoos
Feet are popular for bird tattoos. Mixing watercolour into your tattoo will show the delicate and pretty side. You can play around with how light or dark you wish to have your birds. These matching birds look so cute together.

Source: @graffittoo
48. Til My Dying Day Finger Tattoos
This is another idea for the ring finger. ‘Till my dying day’ is a quote that many couples will relate to.

Source: tumblr.com
49. Watercolor Triangle Tattoos
Triangle tattoos can have multiple meanings. It can symbolise love, change, harmony and even proportion. This triangle outline teamed with watercolour, looks sensational. It looks better than they haven’t stuck within the border of the triangle and added the colour all over. It’s your tattoo, you decide what you want and so can your partner.

Source: @yelizozcan_tattooart
50. Matching Sun and Moon Tattoos
Matching sun and moon tattoos look cute and very detailed. You see each other’s light and dark side, and the sun and moon will represent this.

Source: @mini_tattooer
51. Tiny Heart Tattoos
Hearts are a cute way to show your love. Just having the outline of a heart, is enough. Matching heart tattoos is all you need. This is an unusual place to see matching hearts so think about having your here too!

Source: tumblr.com
52. Connecting Heart Tattoos
Heart tattoos look amazing but when you have connecting heart tattoos that take it to another level! Have a look at this connecting heart tattoo with added wings. When put together, it is complete.

Source: @stephlove87
53. Red Queen, Black King Hand Tattoos
Red Queen and black King. Red for her, the black king for him.

Source: @maverick_tattoos
54. Small Heart and Arrow Tattoos
Couple tattoos do not need to be matching. Take this arrow and heart tattoo. They are both simple and effective.

Source: @michb67
55. Lock and Key Connecting Arm Tattoos
Lock and key can be designed in so many ways. This is a connecting lock and key. They link by the keyring that holds them together. This is a perfect way to connect your tattoos. Of course, we know that the lock will always need a key to unlock it but they have added a keyring to theirs to link up.

Source: @misswildwest
56. Date When You Met in Roman Numerals
The date your world changed for the better. This is the date you both met. Having this date tattooed in Roman numerals looks amazing, and means so much to both of you.

Source: tumblr.com
57. Couple Finger Tattoos
Heart tattoos twinned with his and hers initials. This is the perfect way to personalizing your heart tattoo.

Source: @uhhhhtaco
58. Family Watercolor Tattoo Idea
If you love your family so much, you can add them to your matching tattoos. Many people choose to have family tattooed to show their commitment and loyalty to them. Family love is like no other so of course; you are proud and appreciate what you have. Getting a lovely family tattoo is your way of showing the world that your family means the world to you. Watercolours add to your family tattoo by bringing it to life and to showing how colourful your actual life is. If this was to be tattooed in black with grey shading, it wouldn’t stand out so much and it would look quite dull. If you do extend your family, you can then add to this in any shape or form you wish to do so.

Source: @evakrbdk
59. Heartbeat Wrist Tattoos
Heart = love for you both. You both want to feel closer to each other and what’s closer than having a heartbeat on your wrist? It makes an ideal tattoo with lots of meaning behind the design. These are becoming more popular with couples that want something different. If you don’t want this on your wrist, go for another delicate area.

Source: @freedomoverfame
60. Her King, His Queen
Her King, His Queen. They do say behind every great King has stood a Queen. Go for matching tattoos with this gorgeous crowns and quotes. These are the perfect size to fit your wrists.

Source: @jamesgtattoo
61. Ship and Compas Tattoos
Love and travel have a lot in common. There are so many messages behind these tattoos, you just need to find one that suits you and your partner. Whether you as a couple, love to travel or whether you met whilst both were travelling, this ship and compass will be able to tell your story. Maybe you and your partner have never traveled but are planning to. You don’t have to be an experienced world traveler to get these tattoos. These are just a few ideas behind the design. On the other hand, it can mean that you went through a bad time together but you found your way together and now you’re both stronger people. Whatever your reason, make it special to you.

Source: @ohdeertattoo
62. The Lion King Couple Tattoos
Are you or your other half a fan of Disney’s The Lion King? Then this idea is for you! Here we have a couple that has chosen a Simba and Nala design. This is such a cute couple’s tattoo that not only shows how much you care about each other but also your love of Disney. Recreate a tattoo like or choose any two of your favorite Disney characters.

Source: @adrianbascur
63. Simple ‘Always’ Tattoo
Next, we have a tattoo with the word “always”. This is a simple but very meaningful design idea. You both can have matching tattoos with this word and it is a subtle way to show your love for each other. Try a red design like this or choose the color and the font that you both like best.

Source: @americandebbie
64. Cool Antler Tattoo Idea
Our next idea is a half tattoo. A tattoo like this involves you having half the design and a partner or someone else having the other half tattooed on them. Here is a cool example. This tattoo is on the same person but two people can have something similar. It is a beautiful antler design. A tattoo like this would look amazing on anyone. You can choose a feminine design like this or make one side more masculine.

Source: @minnietattooart
65. Artistic Couple’s Tattoo
Looking for a unique tattoo idea? Then this design may be perfect. This couple have chosen an artistic kiss design. As you can see, the tattoo is black ink with two faces that are intertwined. It is an unusual tattoo that shows off your love in a trendsetting way.

Source: @quibe
66. Matching Tattoo Idea
Next, we have another matching tattoo idea. These two have chosen to have the same tattoo in the same place. The actual design is a night sky with trees. For your tattoo, you both can choose a similar scene but of your favorite place. Maybe a city skyline or a beach. Whatever means something to you both.

Source: @koray_karagozler
67. Cute Heart Tattoo Idea
When you think of love one of the first things that comes to mind is hearts. Love hearts are the symbol of romance so it is no surprise that these shapes are super popular for couple’s tattoos. However, if the classic heart is not for you, try something cute and quirky like this. This heart has the red but it is a watermelon. It is a fun and cool idea that you both could have tattooed.

Source: @tattooist_doy
68. Space Theme Tattoo Designs
Is your relationship out of this world? Then consider a tattoo like this one. One person has a got a space rocket while the other person has a planet. This is a cool tattoo idea that matches but looks great as an individual tattoo too. Recreate a design like this or choose your favorite planet and rocket design.

Source: @ayhankrdg
69. Matching Origami Tattoos
Our next idea is unique and stylish. This design features two origami tattoos. It is such a cute and quirky idea. You both could choose any origami design and choose any colors and patterns to go on the inside. Maybe you could design each others!

Source: @nessaaa_
70. Unique Year Tattoo Idea
Next, we have tattoos with years. Now, the tattoo featured was originally for sisters but we were inspired by this and think it would be an amazing idea for couples. There are so many important years maybe the one where you met, the year you got married or maybe the whole date. Whatever you choose it will be a meaningful tattoo.

Source: @jeremy_capella
71. Unique Half Tattoos
Love the half tattoos? Then you need to check out this design. This couple have chosen a tattoo design that is only complete when they are stood together. Her tattoo represents water and his earth and has been described as “two as one”. This is an awesome tattoo idea that is perfect for the couple who want something a little different.

Source: @balazsbercsenyi
72. Beloved Tattoo Idea
Next, we have another simple quote tattoo. This one features the word beloved. This is a beautiful tattoo that tells someone who much they are loved with just one word. Both of you could have beloved tattooed and you can choose any font and color.

Source: @americandebbie
73. Matching Lotus Tattoos for Couples in Love
Lotus tattoos are very popular and can be a symbol of harmony. So, it is no surprise that couple’s are choosing to have a lotus tattooed. This couple have chosen matching designs and the lotus is beautifully patterned. We love the heart in the middle, it is a romantic finishing touch.

Source: @lucasmilk
74. Unique and Creative Back Tattoo Idea
Our next idea is very unique! This couple have a line design that is only completed when the two are hugging like this. It is so romantic and unusual. When the couple are apart it will look like a trendy line tattoo that are often featured with different patterns. Recreate a special tattoo like this or choose your own pattern that is only complete when you are with your other half.

Source: @dotstolines
75. Small Skull Couple Tattoos
If all the hearts and flowers is not your thing, you could choose a couple’s tattoo like this one. Here we have two skulls with King and Queen crowns. This is a quirky and stylish idea that will look great as an individual tattoo as well as a couple’s tattoo. You can recreate these skulls or choose your own unique designs.

Source: @renan.sampaio
76. Wedding Ring Tattoo
Just got married? Then consider a tattoo like this. These two have chosen an interlocking wedding ring design. This is so romantic and will be an amazing reminder of the special day. You could even have the date added underneath. We love this idea!

Source: @graffittoo
77. Trendy Watercolor Tattoo Idea
Next, we have a trendy tattoo idea. This couple have chosen to have an artistic geometric pattern with the watercolor technique. It is a statement tattoo that matches but would also look great on it’s own too. Recreate this look or choose your favorite colors.

Source: @koray_karagozler
78. Cool Wolf Tattoos
Show your loyalty to each other by choosing wolf tattoos like these. Wolves are a symbol of devotion and loyalty as they stick together in packs. These two have chosen a half wolf tattoo where the face matches up but the design is different. This is a trendy idea but your wolf design can be whole or have the same faces.

Source: @lucasmilk
79. Matching Celtic Knots
Our next idea features Celtic knots. A Celtic knot does not end and is a symbol of eternity. This could represent your love and how you are loyal and committed to each other. Here is a stylish example of Celtic knots. The tattoos are matching and use beautiful colors. Recreate this look to try a different Celtic knot design.

Source: @adrianbascur
80. Stylish Wave Tattoos
If you want a matching tattoo that isn’t obviously for you and your partner, you can get something like this. This couple have chosen a wavy design that matches but also looks cool as an individual tattoo. You wouldn’t know this was a couple’s tattoo right away so it is subtle and can be special for your both.

Source: @dotstolines
81. Geometric Tattoos
Geometric tattoos are super stylish and this couple have turned triangles into a cool, matching tattoo. One has a black triangle outline and the other has a black triangle. It is like the outline is missing without the filled in shape. So, it could represent that you are not complete without each other.

Source: @okanuckun
Tattoos for couples
there soo cute.