51 Best Short Natural Hairstyles for Black Women
Let’s be honest, after a while of wearing hair extensions and your weave repeatedly, your hair needs a break and what better time to do just that than in the summer when the sun is hot, and you definitely don’t want your hair in your face.
You might think that you don’t have many options when it comes to short natural hairstyles for black women but the reality is very different. Make yourself a cup of tea (or grab yourself a glass of wine) and get ready to be amazed.
51 Best Short Natural Hairstyles for Black Women
We all know that growing out your own hair is a long and tiresome process, and it’s easy to get super excited about it right at the beginning, only to realize it sucks later on when your hair isn’t growing as fast as you’d like it to, and your hair won’t style quite the way you had intended either. These designs give you the opportunity to be playful and experimental.
1. Natural Curls + Caramel Highlights
If you’re going through the motions of growing out your natural hair, why not add a vibrant splash of color? These natural curls have been cleverly livened up with some caramel highlights along the top and ends, adding a brand new dimension. It’s punk and pretty all at the same time, and at least you won’t need to worry about styling those long braids every day.

Source: @styledbyshamila
2. Natural Mohawk Haircut
If you’re going short, why not go brave and super short? This natural mohawk haircut is a brave one, but for no muss and no fuss, you can’t really beat it. The best thing about a look like this is you can literally get up and go – comb the top, make sure you keep your hair well hydrated and moisturized, and you’re pretty much good to go.

Source: @brittj_mua
3. Short Natural Hairstyle with Shaved Sides
If you’re going back to basics and leaving your natural hair to bounce free for a while, make sure you don’t over-wash it. The main point of going au naturel is to do your hair a favor, you’re not going to be doing that by washing it every day. Try to wash it only every two to three days, encouraging the natural oils to work their magic on your scalp and follicles. Your hair will thank you for it – we’re all washing our hair too much!

Source: @coconutdreamer
4. Short Natural Tapered Cut
Dependent on how short you go, you won’t need heated styling tools to get the look you want but if you are tempted to grab the hair straighteners, don’t. If your hair is already dry and damaged, or brittle from years of heavy hair extension use, using these heated tools won’t help your hair, it’ll just hurt it. Give your hair a break – that’s the point here.

Source: @abigail.martina
5. TWA Hairstyle (Teeny Weeny Afro)
If you don’t want hair that’s going to get int he way this summer, the TWA or teeny weeny afro is definitely one of the coolest looks! Hair that’s this short takes the most minimal of styling and maintenance, giving you plenty of free time to perfect those eyebrows and the rest of your makeup routine.

Source: @corkandbeans
6. Super Short, Blonde Haircut
Amber Rose is a fan of this look – super short and sassy blonde too! We love it, it’s fierce, feisty and fabulous. You will need to have a good chat with your hairstylist before making a bold color change, especially if it’s an all-over color. Remember that you don’t have a lot of hair to play around with, so the color you choose will need to work well with your own skin tone.

Source: @alissa.ashley
7. Cute Natural Style
When your hair is washed, play around with styling ideas and techniques. Your hair is much easily played with when it’s in its wet stages, and you’ll find your locks will easily move, twist, braid and curl into a number of different styles. Black women often don’t realize quite how many ways there are to style their natural hair, and playing around with curls and twists while it’s wet will give you a wide range of variations when it’s dry. Perhaps it’s time to get experimental.

Source: @sheilandinda
8. Fade Mohawk
It’s only a subtle change – an undercut with a bigger faded mohawk on the top, but the undercut has been graduated and shaved into a design to give it a little something new and exciting. You might think this is quite a scary look but the shaved areas of your hair won’t actually take that long to grow back. You’ll also need to remember that maintenance will need to be kept up to date with. Regular trims if you want to keep the look for a while, for example.

Source: @misskendrak
9. Long Pixie Haircut
Rihanna had a look like this for a while, alternating between wearing it naturally curly just like you can see here, and also wearing it poker straight, looking more like the ‘pixie’ cut you’re usually used to seeing. We love the way these tight curls have been left natural – you too could achieve a look like this if you leave the weave alone for a while. Perhaps it’s time for you to starting thinking about these short and natural hairstyles for yourself?

Source: @splendidbeauty
10. Short Natural Hairstyle with Color
If your hair is damaged, plus it’s been colored and dried out too, make sure you’re using the right combination of oils to keep it in good health. Before you wash your hair, add an oil treatment and leave for around half an hour before washing. Once it’s washed, towel-dry, ignore the blowdryer, add some leave-in conditioner and style to wait for it to dry.

Source: @salonpk
11. Finger Coil Out Fauxhawk
There are plenty of benefits to NOT having hair extensions for a while. Firstly, think of all the time you will have freed up by NOT needing to go to the hairdressers. How long does it take for you to have your entire head done? Think of all the other things you could be doing. Short natural hairstyles for black women like these are perfect because it frees up those hours for you – you could spend them studying, working, spending time with your kids, and more. Why wouldn’t you go short every once in a while?

Source: @glammzmore
12. Fade Haircut
You don’t just free up valuable time when you opt for natural hair – it’ll save you a small fortune in all those appointments, hair extensions, and treatments necessary to keep them looking great. You could spend more money on your closet! Or makeup. Or vacations… The possibilities are endless. Now you’ve seen how many ways there are to wear these adorable short styles, aren’t you a little tempted yourself?

Source: @brittj_mua
13. Short, Gray Curls
Gray has been a massive color over the last few seasons, and everyone has been rocking it. From light silvers to gun-metal grays, there is a shade for everyone and one we’re loving right now is this one – short, gray curls on the top. It’s a look that is cool and modern, but still cute with those spiral curls. If you’re going for the chop and you’ve never played around with color before, it might be time to try.

Source: @itstoian
14. Short, Copper Hairstyle
Red and orange like a sunset, we might just call this one sunset hair! It’s beautiful, that’s for sure, and if you were looking for cool short natural hairstyles for black women, this is one that should go right to the top of the list. These fiery shades are bold and brave – are you up for the challenge?

Source: @kflewellen
15. Cute & Easy Style
If you’re going super, super short, just let your hair do it’s own damn thing. Why wouldn’t you? With hair like this style, all you need to do when you wake up in the morning is add some wax (if at all) and on your way you go. It’s simple, easy and to the point – no muss, no fuss and definitely no hassle.

Source: @angiehairstudio
16. Caramel Curls
A massive number of high profile celeb lovelies have opted for short natural hairstyles for black women such as these to give their scalp a well deserved rest. Heaving around those heavy lengths can give you a headache, especially if the tension isn’t right, and with repeated use, could even lead to damage and hair loss. Follow in the footsteps of Jada Pinkett Smith and go for something short, sharp and super! We love this look. What about you?

Source: @mua_fancyface
17. Beautiful Tapered Haircut
Solange Knowles, Queen Bee’s sister, is another hot celeb who has been seen wearing both long weaves and short, natural styles, and after shaving her head in 2009, decided to grow things out naturally. It’s a brave choice for some but we kinda love it. If you’ve had long hair for too long and fancy a change, perhaps this is the look you should go for.

Source: @myhaircrush
18. Pop of Blonde
For those days when you’re not brave to go totally blonde, go a little bit blonde. We love this pop of blonde look – perfect for summer we say! Blonde might not be for everyone so don’t be afraid to play around with different shades. We’ve seen copper, caramel and even bright blonde pops of color in this list, along with some other bright and wonderful shades too, but if you have something in mind, don’t be afraid to mention it to your stylist. you might just come up with this season’s hottest new trend.

Source: @lolaoj
19. Short Haircut for Bold Women
A simple shaved line in your design can make the world of difference, as you can see from this short haircut for bold women. It’s a simple addition, just a little extra touch, but one that certainly transforms your look. The addition of this one simple shaved ‘pattern’ or design in the look has changed it from being pretty generic to something funky and edgy.

Source: @stepthebarber
20. Big Chop Haircut
Raven Symone is another celeb favorite who underwent the short hair treatment, although she didn’t go quite as short as this number one all over style. A brave and bold look for sure, it’s one that literally resets a world of damage to your hair. you’re giving your scalp a chance to breathe, and the hair to grow naturally and gradually again. That’s one way to deal with a dry and frizzy hair problem!

Source: tumblr.com
21. Short Cut with Shaved Sides
This one combines a couple of styles in one, although the length has been kept relatively long with just the subtlest amount of shaving on the sides. If you don’t want fully shaved sides, that doesn’t mean you can’t shave at all. Only the smallest sections have been sheared on this look, but it still looks great and modern nevertheless.

Source: @bashab__
22. Natural Hair Mohawk with Caramel Highlights
Here we give you proof that caramel highlights are the perfect accompaniment for these short natural hairstyles for black women. We’re in love with this look and we can’t rave about it enough. The sides are short, leaving all the length on top, and with those curls and chocolate / caramel highlights running through, the style looks good enough to eat!

Source: @misskendrak
23. Gorgeous TWA Cut
We’re back to the teeny-weeny afro again, this time incorporated into a gradual cut across the sides and back, giving it a neat and tidy look that Halle Berry has been known to rock from time to time. Let’s face it, if it’s good enough for one of the most famous and beautiful black actresses of all time, it’s good enough for us. Plus it looks super cool so, of course, we love it.

Source: @itstoian
24. Golden Blonde Curls + Side Shave Design
Another bold and bright look, this time the short on top and shaved sides have been mixed with a wonderful blonde tone, just perfect for those summer nights you hope to have lots of fun on! Why not look at intricate shaving designs? These are simply lines cut into the short hair but the way they have been cut just adds a little something new to the look. If it’s not something you’ve thought about before, perhaps now is the time to start?

Source: @blackhaiirstyles
25. Colorful, Short Afro
For those days when you can’t decide which color you want, throw them all in! This look would be perfect for the end of summer, towards the fall months, when all the leaves on the trees are turning this exact russet shade. Individually curled spirals are blended so that you can’t see where one shade begins and the others end, and if it’s bright you want, this is perfect!

Source: @shaddah_elyse
26. Beautiful Natural Hair with Shaved Sides
You can care for your own natural hair a lot better than you can with synthetic hair, and you often need various chemicals to process and install them, and then to wash them with afterwards. By going back to short natural hairstyles for black women just like this one, you’re eliminating the chemical presence, taking care of your hair and your head!

Source: @brittj_mua
27. Perfect Cut for Summer!
After three or so days of wearing the same style, you may find that the look starts to look a little frizzy and you might think it’s time to wash it again. Rather than running straight for the shower, try a different approach instead. Add some of your favorite hair oils to your hair after that three or four day point, when your hair starts to look a little less-than-perfect and you think about giving it a rinse. The oils (or wax if you prefer) can help bring the look back to life and give you another couple of days before you need to worry about styling or washing it again.

Source: @curlbox
28. TWA with Shaved Sides
When going back to basics and opting for these short natural hairstyles for black women, make sure you have a chat with a good stylist. You’re going to want a cut that will accentuate your looks, not overcome it. Your face shape, skin tone and state / style of your natural hair will all need to be taken into account before you can decide on a definitive new look.

Source: @mary_jaine
29. Short Natural Cut with a Side Part
When you have short hair, you might think that you don’t have many options but that’s not the case. Even when you have relatively short locks, you can still plait and braid if you wanted to, they’ll just be much shorter … Obviously. Partings, and other hair features, can still be used in these short natural hairstyles for black women. If you want an easy way to push those natural curls back out your face, don’t be afraid to throw some teeny-tiny corn-rows into the mix, or add a parting to help style.

Source: @sxvllen
30. Perfect Short Haircut
When adding products to your hair, or oils to moisturize, make sure you’re splitting the hair into sections before you do to ensure that everything is evenly coated. It’s easy to flick some oil around your roots, but unless you’re doing the job all over, your hair won’t be any better off for it – you’ll just have patches of un-cared-for hair!

Source: @curlbox
31. Two-Tone Natural Hair
If you want well-defined curls on your short natural hairstyles for black women, learn to shampoo your hair in the shower. Do you know why…? When you’re in the shower, your hair falls downwards because of gravity. When you wash your hair over the tub or at the salon, you’re not always in that position. The water runs down the length of the hair, helping to condition every strand, and because you’re not flicking it back up and down all over the place, frizziness will be kept to a minimum.

Source: @sxvllen
32. Simple and Stylish Shaved Style
If you are looking for a short hairstyle that is stylish and easy to wear, then this could be it. This is a simple shaved cut with a cool pattern on the side. It is looks effortlessly trendy and it will look amazing on anyone. You can recreate a similar look or change the pattern. If the pattern is not your thing then you can leave it out too.

Source: @stepthebarber
33. Blonde Curly Hairstyle
Next, we have a stunning curly hairstyle to show you. This hair idea features a short cut around the sides with longer hair on the top of the head. The hair on top is super curly too. This hairstyle would be great as it is but the style game has been stepped up by choosing a blonde color. Blonde looks gorgeous with this haircut and it will instantly make you stylish. You can choose any blonde shade warm or cold.

Source: @dorely_aliife
34. Bold Blue and Purple Hair
Looking for a bold and statement making hair idea? Then check this out! This short cut is a vibrant blue shade. The blue looks amazing and bright colors like this will lift the hair and show the world your unique and fun sense of style. Go for a blue shade like this or be daring and go for a lighter or darker tone. You would think this look was created at the hair salon, but actually Kendra created it at home and shared the process on her YouTube channel. You can watch the tutorial here.

Source: @kendrakenshay
35. Short Cut + Trendsetting Twists
Its not just curls that look great with short hair but other styles too. This hairstyle features shaved hair around the sides with longer hair on top. The longer has been styled into two strand twists resulting in a trendsetting look. This is the perfect style for the ladies who like to look edgy and be noticed.

Source: @naturalhairrebel
36. Short Natural Frohawk
Make your short style unique to you by adding in accessories. Here is a stylish way to do it. This short cut has been styled with beautiful purple hair cuffs. The cuffs really jazz up the hair and make the hairstyle stand out from the rest. You can use any color accessories so have fun and experiment with different looks. See the full tutorial on Queen Teshna’s YouTube channel.

Source: @queenteshna
37. Curls with a Trendy Shaved Pattern
Our next idea is another shaved look. This hair has been shaved around the sides and has curly hair on the top. The thing we really love about this hair is the trendy pattern that has been shaved in around the sides. It is an awesome pattern and will give any short hair a stylish makeover.

Source: @d2themasterbarber
38. Tapered Cut
The next hair idea is one of our favorites. For this look, the hair is naturally short and curly. It just a stunning and easy to wear hairstyle that will make you look stylish everyday. Hair like this will suit everyone. If you prefer bolder hair but like the tapered cut, then add a different color. Red would look great!

Source: @curlsfothegirls
39. Super Stylish Short Hair Idea
Love the shaved looks? Then this is for you! The hair has been cut very short and is shaved around the sides. This hairstyle has been finished off with a trendy pattern that meets at the back of the head. You can try this look or even try the same pattern with longer hair on the top.

Source: @dreamcutsbarberlounge
40. Short Natural Red Hair
Next, we have a statement making short hairstyle. The hair is shaved around the sides with little curls on the top. What makes this hairstyle stand out from the rest is the beautiful red color and stylish star pattern. It is such a creative and bold look. Hair like this is perfect for the women who like to show off their unique style.

Source: @stepthebarber
41. Shaved Hairstyle with Tight Curls
Want to look glam but have a bit of an edge too? Then try a hairstyle like this one. The hair is again shaved around the sides but the hair on top has chic, tight curls. There is a stylish pattern too. A hairstyle like this looks effortlessly cool and it will give you a trendy look no matter the occasion.

Source: @naturalhairrebel
42. Warm Blonde Highlights
Earlier we featured a blonde hair idea. If you liked that one you may like this one too. For this look, the hair is not all blonde. Instead there are just little highlights throughout. This is a great way to add blonde to the hair if you don’t want to change all your hair. It is a way to try the color without being too bold. This is a warm shade but you can recreate the look with a cool blonde too.

Source: @sweetstyles_naturals_
43. Glam Short Hairstyle
Glam up your look with hair like this! This hairstyle is short with elegant waves. We love this hair idea as it has a beautiful vintage look to it. Hair like this is very on trend too! Lots of women even the A-list ones are trying out cute short cuts like this one.

Source: @beautybylee
44. Shaved Hair with Vibrant Blue Color
Next, we have another blue hair idea. This one features long hair on the top and it is shave around the sides. The top of the hair has an ombre look as it starts black and then changes to blue. It has been finished off with a gorgeous shaved heart. This is an amazing style and it would be a trendy look for any woman.

Source: @janelasealysmith
45. Chic Curls
Our next idea is chic and super stylish. The hair is short around the sides and features curls with volume on the top. A hairstyle like this will make you feel fierce and confident every day! It is an easy to wear hairstyle that will keep you looking gorgeous for any occasion. These curls are achieved by using home made deep conditioner and argan oil, there are no defining products.

Source: @kendrakenshay
46. Stylish Red Hairstyle
Earlier we featured a stunning red hairstyle. If you love the red hair ideas, then you need to check this out. For this look the hair is very short with cute red curls. The red curls just jazz up the hairstyle and make it unique and stylish. You can recreate this red look or try a similar style in a different color too. Watch here how she achieved these super define coils.

Source: @astoldbybrittanyd
47. Shaved Sides with Long Curls on Top
Next, we have another shaved look. The hair has been shaved around the sides and has longer curly hair on the top. We love this idea because the longer hair has been styled to one side. This just creates a trendy hairstyle that is different from the rest. Curls like these can be achieved using curl rods.

Source: @naturalhairrebel
48. Trendy Patterned Short Hairstyle
The hairstyles that you can create with shaved patterns are endless. By adding shaved patterns, you make your hair unique and stylish. Here is another great example of short hair with a pattern. It has long curls on top with the pattern around the sides. This is trendy and easy to wear pattern that will suit everyone.

Source: @dreamcutsbarberlounge
49. Long at the Top, Short at Sides
Looking for a short style that looks very natural and stylish? Then this is for you. This hair idea is not as short as some of the others we have featured. It is like a pixie cut with volume on the top. We love this hair idea it is so chic! Try and recreate this look or try a vibrant color. Red hair in this style would look fabulous!

Source: @sweetstyles_naturals
50. Vibrant Orange Curls
Bored of your hair and want to jazz it up with color? Then check out this next idea. Here we have a short and curly style where the hair is vibrant orange. This is a fun and stylish idea that will brighten up your look. It is a cool color that is perfect for anyone who wants to stand out in style.

Source: @pekelariley
51. Bold Pink Hair
Another bold color idea that you can try is pink! Don’t just take our word for how amazing it looks, check out this next style. The hair starts off black and then it gradually turns pink. We love this hair idea it is trendy and statement making. Try a pink shade like this or try a lighter or darker tone.

Source: @dreamcutsbarberlounge
What do you think? Would you be brave to go for the chop this summer? Have any of these short natural hairstyles for black women taken your fancy? Let us know which ones are your favorite – we’d love to see what colorful and crazy creations you come up with!
I would like to see some more short Black Women Hair Cuts
Love these looks!!!
Going Natural loving less time on my hair and would like advice how to grow my hair out.
Love the natural look,I have wearing my hair natural for a year now,but getting different styles is not easy. The salons are very expensive.
Most of the women appear to have naturally curly hair, which makes the styles effortless.
Show some styles of women who do not have naturally curly hair.
Too Shabby I don’t see my comment Posted lol
I would like to see some styles for older ladies with Naturals hair.
I would like to see natural styles for women who do not have curly or naturally curly hair, but styles for women with the more kinky, nappy hair
Plz consider show styles with different textures. My natural is a dry and kinky butbyou don’t have any styles representing me.
These women manipulated their hair to get those curls and coils. Utilize YouTube for directions on how to get them.
nice. would like more of natural hair styles
I love my natural hair.im 55 yrs old and I’ve never wore makeup.and i look stunning.taking care of my hair.has been a blessing and i thank god for my hair body and brain
The beautiful thing about african american hair is that it can do so much. It has even fooled some of you into thinking that some of these women are naturally like this. Some may be but some are definitely not. As a 4c girl myself who has learned to style her natural hair, i can tell you its manipulation. These are the results you can get after a twist out or rod set etc.
Nice one
I wear my hair very short and I have been given some great suggestions for varying my looks
Fact i love my natural hair…and it does take it’s time growing..maybe because i don’t give it mucb time groaning it. Have been extension braiding for long,yet now i just want to treat my hair and watch it grow…I was wondering what am i going to do…so i googled and Yes am happy with what i found..the hair styles are just Perfect.
I’m just going natural now just taking out the extensions I’ve had for years so it’s gonna be my first day go natural happy days .
Show some really real nappy natural hairstyles. No hairpieces
seems as if you got no one who has nappy hair to show us those hairdo…but i do have nappy hair and i cant use one of the styles couse they curled…show us hairdo with stiff hair
These styles are great for the young ladies, but being a senior with mixed gray hair and very nappy I don’t feel represented in the photo’s shown. Please provide more variety. than you
Need more styles for women growing out of a perm Most of the styles shown are for naturally curly black hair.
Please add more kinky hair styles for medium length hair.
Ladies check YouTube. There are videos showing how to get these curls
Thank you A.Natty I’m 66 have no ideal how to do it always had a perm now gray & natural
I have short, natural hair but it is thin on the sides. and temple I want to see pics on how it would llook if the sides are cut extremely low/faded. I’m afraid to go that low of fear somecportions will be lower than others and I don’t want the look of a guy.
this is what you find when you type in “short natural hairstyles for black women”. these women look great, but their hair is nothing like mine. and last time i checked i was still black. is it even worth saying we need to do better? this is what i’ve always found in “black” hair magazines. this is why i stopped looking in them 15 years ago. this is partly why i grew locs. and now that i’m thinking of cutting my locs, this is still what i find. nothing for us. thanks for nothing.
Well, not quite nothing. looking back, there are a couple of girls with natural fades. i guess it’s fades for us, ladies. that’s our only option.
I also keep natural hair nd it’s long full and fluffy but sometimes I cry to comb it but anyway am happy it’s growing
Do have locks for black ladies?
I am Jamaican. in Jamaia, a lot of people wear long rasta locs. You can call me a notty-head rasta gal. I just love my natural hair. I love using aloe and coconut oil in it to grow my hair any make it beautiful. I know that natural beauty is easy to achieve by just being true to oneself. When a lady wears her hair natural, it is very sensual and attractive on her. I am true to myself by wearing my hair natural year round.
Hi Easter! Yes, we have articles that feature beautiful faux locs looks. Make sure to check them out!
I am a black female and a lot af the girls in this have hair like mine, I think they did a good job representing all grades of natural hair! Thank you
Not so many options for girls in between phases… like growing out a perm or something like that. And most of the styles are short what about medium short hair styles??? All these. Short styles are making me want to cut my hair off again but I was planning on continuing to grow out my hair so thia totally difeated the whole perpouse for me… Also all these styles I would have to manipulate my natural hair texture Im tryna grow out my natural hair so that goses aginst what Im tryna to accomplish yet again. Im not completely staisfied or disatisifed as I didnt find what I came for for but left with some pretty good ideas but a bit dissappointed that Ill have to cut my hair again to achieve something cute, sexy and apropreiate to rock as a black girl wanting to go natural. It seems like the go to is always lox/dreads. Not really my style though Im sure Id look great. I always wear weaves and for the past 10 yeasrs Ive been wearing wigs {Mostly lacefronts and frontals} so my sides are a bit shy as well. So maybe Ill use this opportunity to shave the sides into something cool funky and low so that they have the opportunity to come in much, much, much more fuller than they are now. I dont know as of yet but it gives me a lil bit of stuff to think on I guess. Oh yea my hair should be growing back fast too cause Im starting my rice water treatments today as well, hehe.
Great looks, but this literally the same 2-3 styles repeated over and over until you got to 31. So not helpful for transitioning natural women.
I Love All the Natural Hair Style there awesome!
Me encantan esta pagina
I love the gray curly top, I’m 68 years old, I don’t wear makeup but I still look good with that style. I don’t have that texture hair but would love to know how she makes the top like that, and I’d like to see the back. I love all the beautiful styles we can wear
Hello, am on a low hair-cut but it doesn’t look curly when washed nor glowing. Please, what kindda things can i use for my hair.
This was a good description
Looking for good styles for natural hair
they all look great but most of them look inappropriate for professional women. I wish I could see more natural hairstyles for doctors & lawyers
I just recently decided to cut my hair because of hair breakage and I like the natural look just get up go.
I’m 79 and have been wearing a short natural consistently for over twenty years. My problem is that I have just moved to Phoenix and can’t find a beautician to cut and style.
I love all the styles , you have done a lovely Presentation of each cut, The makeup also added a Pleasant complement to every model hair cut. It’s really difficult for me to decide on just one. It’s great that the Styles can please a large group of black ladies of all professions
All the hairstyles are beautiful, think I will try a few I just love the natural look.
I was thinking at first, Wow…these negro women have some nice hair. Is it truly their “natural” hair or have other things been added? Even if not chemicals, but something else? Show some styles with really tough negro hair, not so much the curls and twirls.
Nice styles. I have transitioning gray hair that is thin all over. I am 75 years young, and have hair loss in the top of my head from Shingles.
I would like to see a few styles where a few braids or twists or hair pieces not real long that could cover that side of my hair, keeping the rest natural or twisted or ???
Thanks for the ideas.
These short hair cuts have you ladies looking fabulouse please share some hair products with me im dieing for short hair
Too many are oblivious to the fact that fast hair growth shampoos (obviously with no sulfates, no parabens or DEA) are a thing. We are now able to attain longer hair and possess more possibilities. Surely worth researching. If you’re addressing hair loss, hair damage, preventing skin disorders, fast hair growth, hair care in general, similar ideas become relevant. As a rule of thumb, you want to stay away from hair products and treatments that include chemicals like parabens, DEA or sulfates. What is healthy for your hair is beneficial for your skin also. For obvious reasons the content on this page hits the nail in the head for multiple reasons. It avoids the accustomed pitfalls and errors too many fall into: purchasing bad alternatives. Greatly appreciated!
Love this
What is a pin on for short tapered haircut?
Can you please give the contact information for stylist in the Dallas area?