20 Hilarious Valentine’s Day Cards
There is no better way to express the depths of your love than giving your special someone a card that will make him laugh. You gotta love a man/woman with a good sense of humor, right?
Many of these cards are probably applicable to the relationship you have with your partner… and that’s the reason why you’ll like them so much (and your partner,too).
This year finding the perfect card won’t be a challenge. Satisfy your craving for comedy with these 20 hilarious Valentine’s Day cards:
1. Loving you is like…
This card is only for couples who aren’t afraid to joke around in a bizarre manner.
2. I’d totally…
Women know that feeling…
3. I hate you…
The 5 words everyone loves to hear.
4. You are the Sun,…
Wow, so romantic!
5. Nicolas Cage Card
Why not let Nicolas Cage help you express your feelings?
6. You’re hotter than…
7. Being With You…
8. Let’s make babies…
9. I love you so much that…
Now, that’s a love!
10. I love you
11. I knew I Loved you…
First farts can never be forgotten!
12. I’m Thinking of You.
If you joke with your partner about being creepy and stalking the other person all the time… you definitely need this card!
13. I Love you Even When
14. I can’t Believe…
15. I’d Still Love You.
This is true love, right?
16. Let’s Grow Old…
17. You’re Okay
18. I Love You More Than Pizza
Pizza always wins.
19. You’re the Reason I get up in the Morning
Honesty is the key to every successful relationship.
20. If I were a Zombie…
That’s good to know!
These cards are great because they don’t feel as cliche as Valentine’s cards can sometimes be. Which one is your favorite?
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